Finite Verb ও Non-Finite Verb

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Finite and Non-Finite Verbs: A Detailed Guide

1. Finite Verbs

A finite verb is a verb that has a subject and shows tense, number, and person. It acts as the main verb of a sentence and is essential for forming a complete sentence.

Characteristics of Finite Verbs:

✔️ Has a subject
✔️ Changes with tense (past, present, future)
✔️ Changes according to number and person

Examples of Finite Verbs in Sentences:

  1. She writes a letter. (Present tense)
  2. He wrote a letter. (Past tense)
  3. They are playing football. (Present continuous)

Finite verb হলো এমন ক্রিয়া যা tense, number, person অনুযায়ী পরিবর্তিত হয় এবং মূল ক্রিয়া হিসেবে কাজ করে।

Finite Verb চিনার সহজ উপায়:

  • Subject আছে (উক্তির কারা করছে)
  • Tense পরিবর্তন হয় (সময় পরিবর্তন করলে ক্রিয়ার রূপ বদলায়)
  • Number ও Person অনুযায়ী বদলায় (he, she, they ইত্যাদির সাথে পরিবর্তিত হয়)

More Examples with Explanation:

Sentence Finite Verb Reason
She sings well. sings (Tense: Present, Subject: She)
They played football. played (Tense: Past, Subject: They)
I am going home. am going (Tense: Present continuous, Subject: I)

2. Non-Finite Verbs

A non-finite verb is a verb that does not change with tense, number, or person. It cannot act as the main verb in a sentence and is often used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

Types of Non-Finite Verbs:

  1. Infinitives (to + verb)
  2. Gerunds (verb + ing)
  3. Participles (Present & Past)

1. Infinitives (to + verb)

An infinitive is the base form of a verb with “to” (to + verb). It is used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.


  • She wants to learn English. (to learn = object)
  • I have a book to read. (to read = adjective modifying “book”)

Infinitive হলো ক্রিয়ার মূল রূপ, যার আগে to থাকে। এটি সাধারণত বাক্যে বিশেষ্য, বিশেষণ বা ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ হিসেবে কাজ করে।

2. Gerunds (verb + ing)

A gerund is the ing form of a verb that functions as a noun.


  • Swimming is my hobby. (Swimming = noun)
  • He enjoys reading books. (Reading = noun, object of “enjoys”)

Gerund হলো verb + ing, যা noun এর মতো কাজ করে।

3. Participles (Adjective Form of Verbs)

A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective. There are two types:

  1. Present Participle (verb + ing) – Describes a continuing action.
  2. Past Participle (verb + ed/en/t/n, etc.) – Describes a completed action.

Examples of Participles:

  • The crying baby needs milk. (crying = present participle, describing baby)
  • The broken window needs repair. (broken = past participle, describing window)

Participle হলো এমন একধরনের ক্রিয়া যা adjective এর মতো ব্যবহার করা হয়।

3. Key Differences Between Finite and Non-Finite Verbs

Feature Finite Verbs Non-Finite Verbs
Tense Change Changes with tense Does not change with tense
Subject Dependency Depends on subject Does not depend on subject
Usage Main verb of a sentence Works as noun, adjective, or adverb
Example She eats rice. (eats = finite) She likes to eat rice. (to eat = non-finite)

4. Quick Trick to Identify Finite & Non-Finite Verbs

Change the Tense:

  • যদি ক্রিয়ার রূপ বদলায়, তবে এটি finite verb
  • যদি পরিবর্তন না হয়, তবে এটি non-finite verb


  • He plays football.He played football. (plays → played = Finite)
  • He likes to play football.He liked to play football. (to play = same = Non-Finite)

5. Common Uses of Finite and Non-Finite Verbs in Sentences

Finite & Non-Finite Together in One Sentence:

  1. I want to go home.
    • want (Finite)
    • to go (Non-Finite – Infinitive)
  2. She stopped talking.
    • stopped (Finite)
    • talking (Non-Finite – Gerund)
  3. The tired boy slept early.
    • slept (Finite)
    • tired (Non-Finite – Past Participle)

Final Summary

1️⃣ Finite verbs – Change with tense, act as the main verb.
2️⃣ Non-finite verbs – Do not change with tense, work as noun/adjective/adverb.
3️⃣ Three types of non-finite verbs – Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles.
4️⃣ Easy trick – If the verb changes with tense, it’s finite; if not, it’s non-finite.

Practice Sentences (Find the Finite & Non-Finite Verbs)

  1. I love to dance.
  2. The broken glass was on the floor.
  3. Reading books is my hobby.
  4. He is running fast.
  5. She tried to help her friend.

Answer Key:

  1. love (Finite), to dance (Non-Finite – Infinitive)
  2. was (Finite), broken (Non-Finite – Past Participle)
  3. is (Finite), reading (Non-Finite – Gerund)
  4. is running (Finite)
  5. tried (Finite), to help (Non-Finite – Infinitive)

Non-Finite Verbs: A Detailed Guide

A non-finite verb is a verb that does not change according to the subject, tense, or number. Unlike finite verbs, non-finite verbs cannot be the main verb of a sentence. Instead, they function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

Characteristics of Non-Finite Verbs:

✔️ Does not show tense (Past, Present, or Future)
✔️ Does not change with the subject
✔️ Cannot act as the main verb in a sentence
✔️ Functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb

Types of Non-Finite Verbs

There are three types of non-finite verbs:

  1. Infinitives (to + verb)
  2. Gerunds (verb + ing)
  3. Participles (verb used as an adjective)

1. Infinitives (to + verb)

An infinitive is the base form of a verb, usually preceded by “to”. It can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

Types of Infinitives:

1️⃣ Bare Infinitive (without “to”) → e.g., “Let him go.”
2️⃣ Full Infinitive (with “to”) → e.g., “I want to study.”

Examples of Infinitives in Sentences:

As a noun:

  • To learn is important. (To learn = subject)
  • She likes to swim. (To swim = object)

As an adjective:

  • I have a book to read. (to read describes “book”)

As an adverb:

  • He went to the gym to exercise. (to exercise modifies “went”)

বাংলায় ব্যাখ্যা:

Infinitive হলো verb-এর মূল রূপ, যা সাধারণত “to” দিয়ে শুরু হয় এবং বাক্যে noun, adjective বা adverb হিসেবে কাজ করে।

2. Gerunds (verb + ing)

A gerund is the ing form of a verb that functions as a noun.

Examples of Gerunds in Sentences:

As a subject:

  • Swimming is fun. (Swimming = noun, subject)
  • Reading improves knowledge.

As an object:

  • He enjoys singing. (Singing = object of “enjoys”)
  • They finished playing.

As an object of a preposition:

  • She is good at dancing. (Dancing = noun, after “at”)
  • I am interested in learning English.

বাংলায় ব্যাখ্যা:

Gerund হলো verb + ing, যা বাক্যে noun হিসেবে কাজ করে। এটি বিষয়, বস্তু বা preposition-এর object হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে।

3. Participles (Verb Acting as an Adjective)

A participle is a verb form that functions as an adjective, modifying a noun. There are two types:

  1. Present Participle (verb + ing) → Describes a continuing action.
  2. Past Participle (verb + ed/en/t/n, etc.) → Describes a completed action.

1️⃣ Present Participle (verb + ing)

Used to describe something that is happening right now or continuously.


  • The crying baby needs milk. (crying = present participle, describes “baby”)
  • The running boy fell down.

Used with continuous tenses:

  • She is reading a book.

2️⃣ Past Participle (verb + ed/en/t/n, etc.)

Used to describe something that has already happened.


  • The broken window needs repair. (broken = past participle, describes “window”)
  • A well-written essay can impress the teacher.

Used with perfect tenses:

  • She has finished her work.

বাংলায় ব্যাখ্যা:

Participle হলো এক ধরনের verb, যা adjective-এর মতো কাজ করে

  • Present participle (verb + ing) → চলমান কাজ বোঝায়।
  • Past participle (verb + ed/en/t/n) → শেষ হওয়া কাজ বোঝায়।

Key Differences Between Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles

Feature Infinitive (to + verb) Gerund (verb + ing) Participle (verb as adjective)
Function Acts as a noun, adjective, or adverb Acts as a noun Acts as an adjective
Example “I like to read.” Reading is fun.” “The fallen leaves are beautiful.”
বাংলায় উদাহরণ “আমি পড়তে চাই।” পড়া আমার শখ।” ভাঙা দরজা ঠিক করতে হবে।”

Final Summary

1️⃣ Non-finite verbs do not change with tense or subject.
2️⃣ Three types of non-finite verbs:

  • Infinitives (to + verb) → Functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
  • Gerunds (verb + ing) → Functions as a noun.
  • Participles (verb as an adjective) → Can be present (verb + ing) or past (verb + ed/en/t/n, etc.)

Practice Sentences (Identify the Type of Non-Finite Verb)

  1. To travel is my dream.
  2. Playing football is fun.
  3. The excited children ran outside.
  4. I want to learn French.
  5. She enjoys dancing.

Answer Key:

  1. To travel (Infinitive)
  2. Playing (Gerund)
  3. Excited (Past Participle)
  4. To learn (Infinitive)
  5. Dancing (Gerund)


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