English Grammar

English Grammar TOPIC PAGE

English Grammar TOPIC PAGE Parts of Speech Introduction Noun Different Types of Noun Position of Noun Countable Vs. Uncountable Noun Pronoun Adjective Adverb Position of Adverb Forming Adverbs Conjunction Uses of Some Conjunction Interjection Inter Change of Parts of Speech Identification of Parts of Speech Number Gender Article Phrase & Clause Clause and Its Identification Kinds of Adverbial Clause Article Correction VERB Introduction Gerund, Infinitive, Participle & Verbal Noun Modals Conjugation of Verbs Group Verb RIGHT FORM OF VERB Tense Sequence of Tense SPELLING MISTAKES Introduction and Basic Correct Spelling SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT TRANSLATION PROVERBS VOCABULARY Definition of Words Expressions Substitution of Single Words Synonyms & Antonyms Idioms & Phrase


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